Darapheak Tin


PhD Candidate
Research School of Economics
The Australian National University
HW Arndt Building 25A, Kingsley Pl
Acton ACT 2601

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Thank you for visiting my personal website!

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in the Research School of Economics of the Australian National University. My primary interest is in Macroeconomics, particularly how macro phenomena can be understood through the lens of life cycle factors, demographic structure and government policies.

Economics is a lifelong friend. Along with my research, reading economics is my hobby. My top favourite book so far is Free to Choose by Milton Friedman.

Research tools

Some favourite econ books

Reading for pleasure:

  1. Free to Choose by Milton Friedman
  2. The Naked series (Naked Statistics; Naked Economics; Naked Money) by Charles Wheelan
  3. Basic Economics; Discrimination and Disparities; Intellectuals and Society; and a few others by Thomas Sowell

Reading for building technical understanding and skills in economic research:

  1. Introduction to Computational Economics using Fortran by Fehr and Kindermann
  2. Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis by Sydsaeter, Hammond, Seierstad, and Strom
  3. Econometrics by Bruce E. Hansen


  1. Economics
  2. Economics
  3. Economics